Illustration portfolio

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One step at a time

1 Change and uncertainty⁣
2 New possibilities⁣
3 Going forward one step at a time⁣
4 Focusing and getting ready⁣
5 Running to the future⁣

there are events that change life, the loses always generate uncertainty, but life does not ends, one needs to adapt to the new circumstances, one step at a time, till one can run again to the future that is full of possibilities.

The distance of the separation

1 Departure to start a journey⁣
2 Longing and remembering the ones that are not here
3 Going home and the storm
4 Unusual visitor in the sea
5 In the vastness of the sea, is there any hope?

The journey to far away places and discovering new places is temporal, leaving behind what we know, missing what we do not have now. The unexpected always happens however we can always try to return and reduce the distance that separates us.

All around the world and back home

As everything in life, journeys eventually end. the traveler is now the sum of all what has been lived. All the stories can be shared.

Journey faraway

1 Farewell
2 Longing for home
3 Receiving news

Sometimes we want to leave, but once we are away the homesickness invade us, we search a way to mantain the bond that unites s to what we left behind, we write to coexist with the ones that are far away till we can meet again.

Life goes on

Project of wordless picturebook that gives an answer to the question. What happens after life ends?

In the same way being born is part of life, so is death. When a cycle ends the family gathers and mourn the loss. Regardless the sadness time and life does not stop, It keeps going on.

Color characters



1 Invisible suit
2 Shooting star
3 Potion to grow
4 Wolf in skin of sheep
5 Rock in back, torch in hand
6 Sword in the rock

Comic panels

Talent where is it found, how do you get it, what does people say, which is the truth about it.
1 Everything was normal as always⁣
2 They did not tell me that part⁣
3 I was there that day…⁣
A noise call my attention⁣
4 (crying baby)
5After that
A great noise from the sky⁣
6 From that moment⁣
It was known⁣
He was destined…⁣⁣

Pencil comic panels

Two friends in various circumstances over the years from childhood to adulthood

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